Girl (18) Waves At Cop Everyday - The Day She Doesn’t His Gut Tells Him To Check Her House

Story Starts Below
Source: YouTube

Every day on officer Sebastian's route, he sees the same girl waving at him through her window. So when one day this is not the case anymore, he just knows that something has gone wrong and breaks every rule in the book in order to check it out. When he eventually manages to make his way into her room, he finally gets the answers he was looking for.

But now he suddenly wasn't so sure anymore if he even wanted them…

Calling for backup
: Shutterstock/klevo
Source: : Shutterstock/klevo

When Sebastian gets the door slammed in his face, he knows that something is not right. He doesn’t care anymore if this costs him his good standing with the bureau. He is ready to go out on a limb and calls for backup to come and search the house…